Journey TogetherHi. Pete here, with Cecilia contributing too.

I feel a bit awkward, inviting you on a hike with us. No, there’s nothing wrong with the hike itself. A great trip actually, not too hard, not too easy. And there’s a lot of beauty to see along the way. One of the benefits of hiking trails is they can take you to places your car or even a mountain bike can never go.

And the company is good too. Great people, real life stories, nuggets to share that can help make sense of life, the universe and everything (to use a Douglas Adams phrase.) I’m hoping you’ll join in so we can hear your story too.

So why am I feeling awkward about inviting you?

Because I’m not the one leading this little adventure. Nor are any of the others in our group. And our guide has some unusual quirks. I’m torn between promoting how great this is gonna be, and honestly telling you our guide is hoping this adventure will require the rest of your life. How do I tell you the both-and bit? This will be the best, most amazing experience of your life and at the same time it will cost you more than you can imagine.

It’s like my South African adventure. On the one hand, it was the best thing that ever happened to me: I saw and experienced real miracles of healing that took the power of modern medical science and went way beyond what anyone could imagine. Wow. On the other hand, I only had that experience because I was walking across a street and was hit by a car going 50+mph and pronounced dead. Ouch. That’s a story for another day.

Oh yea. I was going to tell you why I want to walk and talk with you about “Spirit-Led Technology.”

Some of you might have just flinched again when I said “Technology.” Some might have flinched at seeing “Spirit-Led” in the same sentence as “Technology.” Please don’t stop now (even if you’re not a “tech” person.) I’ll explain.

Most people, when they hear “Technology,” assume this is a Geek / Not-Geek thing. I assure you, it is not. I don’t care if you count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 on your fingers, or 1, 2, 4, 8, 16. I don’t care if “chips” are something you eat or solder, if “mice” are something your cat eats or you plug into your computer.

Our entire world has become almost completely technology-driven in the last 150 years. Sure, you probably know there’s a computer hiding in your microwave, watch, iPhone, car, and even your toilet if you live in Japan. And yes, your young neighbor kid (if you don’t have one at home) probably can’t remember a world without cell phones, or CD’s. But there’s more.

We live in a world driven by lists and quantitative measures. We work to the numbers, even if we’re artists and writers. It’s all about productivity, efficiency, competitive edge. Who has something morebetterfastercheaper than the next guy.

The tools, methods and basic ideas of information technology affect everything we do at work. They affect how we think about what’s good, bad or indifferent. They even affect how we think about other people and about God.

That’s why we’re confident that, even if you run screaming when you hear the “tech” word, there’s something for you here.

As for “Spirit-Led”… that’s what is going to make this such a fascinating journey for all of us. Life today is normally about being in control, about Getting Things Done (and about Value Propositions if you’re a real MBA geek.)

I like getting stuff done as much as the next guy. But we at ICTA have discovered an ancient truth that introduces a Big Idea: even our modern info/tech driven life is supposed to be about something far more wonderful than bullet point lists and spreadsheets. It’s supposed to be inspired by a love relationship. A real love relationship. One where you care so much about the other person that you’d do anything to avoid breaking their trust.

Have you ever met someone who is just incredible in their ability to express love? Perhaps they give the most perfect gifts, or they say something that turns night into day. Some are able to reach out and touch a hurting person with a hug, or they’ll just sit and be with you. One way or another, these are the people who really care and it’s not because they want something but rather that they have something to give. Through my life I’ve had the very great privilege of knowing a few people like that.

Just being with someone like that is incredibly satisfying. Fulfilling. All is well.

Did you ever imagine that’s what God is all about?

What if that’s what Technology is supposed to be about? Yup, Information Technology as an expression of God’s love, God’s character. Not just the message, the medium itself.

Technology not as the dry list-making, list-enforcing tool we’ve allowed it to become, but technology as a creative, life-giving, love-expressing, warm, honoring, pure, holy, selfless, inspiring, humble expression of God’s character, God’s love.

That’s more than a little different from anything I was ever taught, and anything I ever experienced until recently.

So, are you one who read this and is excited about getting to know more? Or are you one that sort of rolled your eyes at the ‘mushy’-relationship talk and have tons of questions and comments you’d like to share. Or perhaps you’re just plain curious…this is the world we’re exploring. Come join us in this incredible adventure.

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